Our first article on Web 3.0 discussed the differences between Web 2.0 and 3.0. In short, with Web 2.0 data and content are centralized within a small group of companies that control everything, whereas Web 3.0 promotes the idea of accessibility and decentralization through blockchain technology: an internet of DeFi, DAOs, currency exchange, and privacy, all free from large companies and governments.

The Current State of Web 3.0

Universality and omnipresence is one of the key tenants of Web 3.0. The ability for the internet to be accessible to everyone, everywhere, at any time. The internet used to be limited to those with money, who could afford a PC that costs thousands of dollars, in a city where the infrastructure was in place. Over time it has become easier and easier to access but it’s not where it needs to be. The internet needs to be accessible to any person at any time, no matter where they live or how much money they have. A person who lives downtown New York City or a person who lives in the rainforest of South America, both should be able to access the internet and take advantage of its features as well as their finances.

A couple of examples of current Web 3.0 applications would be Amazon’s Alexa, Siri, or Google voice and WolframAlpha. Alexa, Siri, and Google use speech recognition, pattern recognition, as well as AI to be able to perform personalized tasks or commands by the users. They will even recognize different users' voices when attempting to complete the command and reference that to that particular user's history, patterns, calendar, past commands, etc. The two continue to learn and improve the more people use them and where commands used to need to be very specific they can now be quite natural sounding like “where is the closest taco place open right now?”

Wolfram Alpha is a computational knowledge and answer engine. It’s goal is to give factual answers by using externally sourced data. An example of this is to search USA vs Canada in Google and then in WolframAlpha. On google it shows the results of recent soccer matches from years ago with some links to ESPN, CBS Sports, and then down the results there are some links to websites discussing the differences. When searching on WolframAlpha it provides you with factual information on the two countries: geographic, demographic, population, cultural, economic, and many many more properties. The results are not tampered by assumptions made by the search engine with certain results or companies links who pay for ads or relevance pushed to the top.

The Goals of Web 3.0

Some of the goals of Web 3.0 are the universality of the internet, to be accessible and available to all, to incorporate AI, be decentralized, offer financial freedom, privacy, and to make the internet machine readable so it can learn.

Similar to Web 3.0, Autonio has the goal to operate on the principles of decentralization and the ability of individuals to control their finances and privacy, using AI and machine learning to provide these features to all. In order to accomplish this we have created the NIOX Suite and will describe how each one fits into the idea of Web 3.0 in the next article in this series.

In between now and the next article try out our Smartdex and take part in our pre-earndrop!


Have fun and happy trading from Autonio!