We launched our 3rd Farming Campaign!

This time six pairs, with total rewards of 638,000 NIOX, over 14 days, except for AGI/NIOX which will end in 10 days!

These pairs will have total daily rewards in NIOX allocated as the following:

NIOX/USDC................20k NIOX per day

WMATIC/USDC........6k NIOX per day

WETH/USDC..............6k NIOX per day

GLQ/WETH.................5k NIOX per day

ALOHA/NIOX.............5k NIOX per day

AGI/NIOX.....................5k NIOX per day THIS WILL ONLY LAST FOR TEN DAYS!!!

To participate, provide liquidity on Smartdex and deposit your LP tokens on the farming page. If your LP tokens are still in the old farming contract, after the new campaigns started, just hit the “archived pools” button on top of the farming page, to get to the old farming campaigns.

Have fun trading and farming on Smartdex!

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