It has been one week now since the version 1.0 of Smartdex has been launched. And we have been off to a successful start. We are very glad that all our expectations have been exceeded so far. Only a few days after the farming incentives have been introduced to Smartdex, there has already been an overall liquidity of more than 1.5  million USD and a trading volume of more than 300k USD. 

And to keep the momentum going, we are introducing Volume Rewards. 

25 accounts with the highest trading volume on will get rewarded from a pool, based on the volume they created. 

The first Volume Reward Campaign is starting today and will last for 12 days. 

There will be a reward pool of 120k NIOX that will be distributed to the 25 accounts with the highest trading volume based on their volume size. 

Have fun trading and farming on Smartdex!

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